Concrete Surface[]
The concrete surface is also a very widely known surface type used in iRacing and in the real world. This surface type is known affectionately as the "Speedy Surface" due to the faster speeds that can be handled on a concrete surface. This surface is known for having a smaller grip availability compared to the wider grip availability that the asphalt surface has. While these speeds make the racing more competitive and also more faster, it sacrifices tire wear and tire grip which can lead to earlier pit stops. Also, this surface is one of two surface types in iRacing and also in the real world where diamond grinding is optional. Diamond grinding makes the track fast but can make it very loose if the proper high grip tires and downforce can't handle its heavy loads.
Pros: This surface has high grip and also higher speeds that can be carried around the track, more so than the asphalt surface type. The concrete surface type also has more competition then the asphalt surface type and is also found to be a bit more forgiving than the asphalt surface type.
Cons: A negative of the concrete surface type is that the concrete surface type wears the tires down faster than the asphalt surface type which leads to faster tire grip exhaustion. Also, the grip availability is smaller than compared to the asphalt surface type. Finally, pit stops happen a bit earlier than the asphalt surface type due to the tires wearing out earlier.
These are the 5 categories for rating a surface type in iRacing:
Grip (how much grip that surface type has, 0-4 is low grip, 5 is neutral, 6-10 is high grip)
Longevity (how far a driver can go between pit stops, 0-4 is short, 5 is neutral, 6-10 is long)
Merciful (how forgiving it is, numbers from 0-4 are unforgiving, 5 is neutral, and 6-10 is forgiving)
Speed (how much speed can be carried on the surface type, 0-4 is slow, 5 is neutral, 6-10 is speedy)
Tire Wear: (how much it wears down the tires on the car, 0-4 is quick, 5 is neutral, and 6-10 is slow).
Rating of Concrete Surface:
Grip: 8/10
Longevity: 5/10
Merciful: 7/10
Speed: 8/10
Tire Wear: 4/10
Overall Rating: 32/50 (64%)