Pieces of rubber from tires that accumulate on the racing surface outside of the racing line that are slippery like toy marbles.
2. Marshal
A person responsible for signaling track conditions to drivers (through use of flags), extinguishing fires, removing damaged cars from the track and sometimes providing emergency first aid.
3. Meatball
A specific racing flag used in some countries to indicate to a competitor there is a defect with the car which has the potential to cause a safety risk to the competitor or to another competitor. Most usually applied to trailing smoke or loose bodywork. The flag is black with a large orange dot in the centre of the flag, looking vaguely like a meatball. Some racing series use this flag to indicate the car being flagged is no longer being scored, due to ignoring orders to pit because of a rules infraction.
4. Mickey Mouse corner
A pejorative term for a corner or series of corners on a circuit that are thought to be poorly designed, slow, uncompetitive, uninteresting, and usually difficult or near impossible to overtake through, which detract from the overall challenge of the course. In some cases where the entire course is deemed poorly designed, it can be referred to as a "Mickey Mouse track."
5. Mill
any internal combustion engine used in a race car (inherited from hot rodding slang)
6. Missing man formation
The vehicle on the pole position drops back a row during a pace lap to salute a deceased motorsport personality.
7. Mobile chicane
Disparaging slang. A competitor noticeably slower than the front running pace, so slow as to be a 'chicane that moves around the track'.
8. Monsoon wet
Increasingly common nickname for an extreme weather version of the wet weather tire.
9. Motorsport Valley
A tag given to the mid-south of England by the Motorsport Industry Association where high concentration of activities within the motorsport industry on and off track occur.
10. Mountain motor
(mainly North American) term for large-displacement engines, often used in hot rods and drag racers. Named for their size (over 8,100 cubic centimetres, or 500 cubic inches, the limit in some sanctioning bodies), and for being constructed in the mountains of Tennessee and North Carolina.
11. Murrayism
A funny term or phrase originally uttered during a broadcast, by and named in honour of veteran Formula One broadcaster, Murray Walker.
12. Mystery Caution
An unknown condition caution in the closing laps of a race called for the purpose of closing up the field, typically to create a Green/White/Checkered shoot-out finish.