PureRacingTeam (1)

Founding Date: July 2013

Ended: December 2019

Country: Austria


When History Was Made[]

Back in 2010 when Codemasters released their first F1 game for the Playstation 3, Andreas and Patrick met online and raced against the fastest guys at that time. After just one year they decided to found a german based community where everyone was able to race a whole year in the so called “Pure Racing League”. More than 15 drivers showed up every second weekend to have great fights against each other. With having almost every driver within one second, the Pure Racing League was on the highest level compared to many other leagues.

First Steps Towards[]

After racing for 2 years in F1 2012 and F1 2013 the drivers were disappointed by the new racing game and searched for a more realistic simulation with better competition. In July 2013 some drivers, including Patrick and Andreas, left the Pure Racing League to continue racing on as the “Pure Racing Team”. The contact to all the other drivers never stopped so time after time the PRT on iRacing grow since many members switched from their PS3 to a PC.

The Way To The Top[]

Since 2013 the drivers of the Pure Racing Team basically worked every day to reach their goals for each season and year. But it was not only the hard work that made the PRT to what it was. It also was the friendship the drivers have to each other. The difference between a good and a great driver definitely depends on the ability to be a teamplayer. With top results in almost every important race, the Pure Racing Team belonged to the best and most consistent simracing teams in the world.

Merger With Team Redline[]

In December 2019 it was announced that PRT would merge into Team Redline.

Driver Roster[]

Former Drivers[]

Name Join date Leave date New team
Andreas Allmannsberger ??/20?? 12/2019 Team Redline
Maximilian Benecke ??/20?? 12/2019 Team Redline
Lars Conrad ??/20?? ??/20??
Fabrice Cornelis ??/20?? ??/20?? MSI eSports
Andreas Dirnberger ??/20?? 12/2019 Team Redline
Marc Elkemann ??/20?? 12/2019 Team Redline
Dominik Färber ??/20?? 12/2019 Team Redline
Denis Grabovsky ??/20?? 12/2019 Team Redline
Laurin Heinrich ??/20?? ??/20?? CORE Motorsports
Ivo Howeller ??/20?? ??/2019 Odox Motorsport
Niclas Laubisch ??/20?? 12/2019 Team Redline
Damien Mcphee ??/20?? 12/2019 Team Redline
Tom Michelmore ??/20?? 12/2019 Team Redline
Patrick Christoph Moser ??/20?? 12/2019 Team Redline
Patrick Pichler ??/20?? 12/2019 Team Redline
Sebastian Schmalenbach ??/20?? 12/2019 Team Redline
Patrick Schneider ??/20?? 12/2019 Team Redline
Daniel Schuech ??/20?? ??/20??
Michael Schwanzl ??/20?? 12/2019 Team Redline
Alexander Thiebe ??/20?? 12/2019 Team Redline
Maycol Uribe Romero ??/20?? ??/20??
Tom Vallenthini ??/20?? ??/20?? Williams JIM Esports
Gianni Vecchio 03/2018 12/2019 Team Redline
Jonas Wallmeier ??/20?? 12/2019 Team Redline
Maximilian Wenig ??/20?? 12/2019 Team Redline
Florian Woithe ??/20?? ??/20?? Williams JIM Esports
Patrick Wolf 12/2015 07/2016 Pure Racing Team
Patrick Wolf 09/2016 12/2019 Team Redline

Team Results[]

VRS GT iRacing World Championship[]

(key) (results in bold indicate pole position; results in italics indicate fastest lap)

Season Team No. Drivers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Pos Points
2016 Pure Racing Team 12 Francisco Lopez 34 (39) 18 34 18 25 35th 53
Michael Schellbach
Maycol Uribe Romero
Florian Woithe
Pure Racing Team 71 Andreas Allmannsberger 21* 12 5 (26) 3 4* 6th 162
Patrick Pichler
Tom Vallenthini
Jonas Wallmeier
Pure Racing Team 73 Maximilian Benecke 37 (38) 13 31* 28 5* 32nd 76
Andreas Dirnberger
Marc Elkemann
Sven Kresmer
2017 Pure Racing Team 70 Maximilian Benecke 6 48 1* 11 3* 23* 10th 207
Ivo Howeller
Patrick Pichler
Pure Racing Team 71 Andreas Allmannsberger 14 31 28 10 9 5 12th 199
Jonas Wallmeier
Maximilian Wenig
Pure Racing Team 72 Denis Grabovsky 39 40 20 15 32 30th 99
Peter Koch
Florian Woithe
Pure Racing Team 73 Marc Elkemann 73 23 32 18 36th 80
Laurin Heinrich
Daniel Schuech
Mert Uzel
2018 Pure Racing Team 71 Patrick Heinrich (49) 24 26 3 15 8 4 5 8th 304
Jonas Wallmeier
Maximilian Wenig
Pure Racing Team 72 Maximilian Benecke 5 1 (11) 1 6 1 3 3 1st 556
Ivo Howeller
Patrick Pichler
Pure Racing Team 73 Denis Grabovsky 22 31 19 13 (34) 24 32 6 21st 167
Damien Mcphee
Sebastian Schmalenbach
Patrick Wolf
Pure Racing Team 84 Andreas Dirnberger (33) 9 12 10 19 13 27 24 15th 207
Marc Elkemann
Niclas Laubisch
Daniel Schuech
2019 Pure Racing Team 71 Alexander Thiebe 7 40 7 25 34 32 19th 127
Gianni Vecchio
Jonas Wallmeier
Pure Racing Team 72 Maximilian Benecke 2 8 6 8 6 2 4th 368
Damien Mcphee
Patrick Pichler
Maximilian Wenig
Pure Racing Team 73 Marc Elkemann 11 38 DSQ 27 40 35 37th 56
Dominik Färber
Patrick Heinrich
Patrick Christoph Moser
Pure Racing Team 74 Andreas Dirnberger DSQ 29 12 30 26 34 34th 75
Denis Grabovsky
Niclas Laubisch
Daniel Schuech
Pure Racing Team 75 Clemens Fregona 26 45 45th 15
Ivo Howeller
Sebastian Schmalenbach
Patrick Wolf

Porsche Esports Supercup[]

(key) (results in bold indicate pole position; results in italics indicate fastest lap)

Season Driver No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Pos Points
2019 Maximilian Benecke 11 10 26 52 6 164 5 25 3 43 1 43 5 102 2 16 9 4 3 9‡ 7‡ 2 1 2nd 958
Alexander Thiebe 28 28 29 8 32 9 13 19 12 26 23 9 33 29 28 30 23 20 22 30‡ 30‡ 23 21 22nd 258

‡ Non Championship Round

Audi Sport Seyffarth R8 LMS eCup[]

(key) (results in bold indicate pole position; results in italics indicate fastest lap)

Season Driver No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Pos Points
2019 Maximilian Benecke 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1st 228
Patrick Pichler 70 19 19 DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS 20th 4
Jonas Wallmeier 71 1 8 4 3 4 3 6 3 3rd 157